I am #uninspired

The lack of inspiration is largely one of the reasons why I've sort of turned this space into more of a food and lifestyle blog. I do still enjoy writing about fashion, in fact, I do so actively over at The Fashion Network but when it comes to my own digital space... I simply can't bear to write about or of fashion due to the lack of inspiration. My old blog used to contain wish lists, runway inspo, mood boards and other various fashion-related posts but I have no wish to return to creating those type of content. Not for now anyway. It may be because I'm simply more critical of myself with what I create but I think it's due to just how saturated the fashion blogging sphere is. There's so much out there that I think everything lacks authenticity and originality.

Everything right now is all just meh to me 🙄.


Quick update:

It's been nearly three weeks since I've handed in my thesis and I can't say I've done much since. Oh I went for an eyelash perm (love the results btw!) and I've been actively trying various products to clear my skin since all the stress-related breakout. I'm so glad it's slowly working 😊!

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